Meatless Monday Blog


  • Alexia Sweet Potatoes Fries- 1 serving
  • Mix of colorful bell peppers- ½ cup
  • Onion -couple of slices
  • Corn – 1/2 cup
  • Chickpea – 1/2 cup
  • Spinach – 2 cups
  • Original Blend Salt-Free Dash Seasoning – Sprinkle
  • Drizzle of olive oil



First drizzle some olive oil in a frying pan, sauté mixed peppers, onion, corn, and chickpea on medium heat. When the sauté mixes is slightly brown, add the spinach, sprinkle dash seasoning, stir and reduced the heat to allow the spinach to cook. When the spinach is cooked, mix is ready.

For sweet potato fries I used an air fryer, set the air fryer 400F for 15- 20 or until wedges are crisp.  Also, you can bake sweet potato fries in the oven at 425 F for 20-25 minutes.

This meal contains about 16 grams of protein. I really enjoy this meal because I was craving for something healthy, light and satisfying.





“My thing is that I don’t give no person that much power over my path that I’m walking. Not one person can make or break what I’m doing, except me or God”.

Meatless Monday is a day he or she don’t eat meat which is a good idea to give your body a break from meat product and eat more fruits and vegetables. This can lead to better health in reducing heart disease and reduce carbon footprint.


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